THE CALLIGRAPHER’S APPRENTICE: Not from a sword that stroke of revenge, but an ink-laden character brushed to avenge.


This captivating novel of 16th century Japan, China, and Macau tells of three interwoven lives belonging to Hashimoto Tatsu, a master calligrapher, Yaya, his teacher’s daughter and Mie, a wretched farm girl saved from the auction house. Master Hashimoto has promised his teacher he will find a worthy apprentice. When he happens across Mie, he believes he has found the right student. Master Hashimoto is framed by a rival and banished from Kyoto. Yaya and Mie seek revenge and set a plan to free him. Timing, weather and unscrupulous men thwart their mission. Fate separates the two women who struggle to survive alone. Forced to fend for themselves, they overcome conniving priests, war-mongering generals and loneliness. With help from a Korean sailor and a Buddhist nun, they test their courage to find each other and hopefully return Master Hashimoto to Kyoto.

Available as a Paperback or EBook.